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My Choice part 3this story is part of the FanClub (fm:older women/men, 7257 words) [3/4] show all parts

Author: jwdoney
Added: Mar 15 2017Views / Reads: 772 / 599 [78%]Part vote: 9.83 (12 votes)
Tanya is confronted by Jason, seeks comfort and solace from Brad, and they get each other wound up in the process. They drive each other crazy, but the shocking ending may just change everything. Seduction and Romance amidst cheating.

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This is a reader inspired story based on an idea submitted with two requirements. It was to be a MILF style story of an older stepmom or father's girlfriend who seduces her younger stepson or the son of her boyfriend. The second requirement was no sharing, multiple lovers, chaos or confusion like in most of my stories, especially the stepmom or father's girlfriend stories. Any regular reader knows I have several older woman stories going, either ongoing or wrapped up, and even the best of them had a hot older woman, a lusty younger man, and more characters than a packed season of SURVIVOR.

Nothing in this story is going to follow the tried and true, carbon copy older woman/younger man seduction route. I am striving to make this as emotional, realistic and heartfelt as possible, including any possible side effects and/or casualties of infidelity. I do not advocate cheating or infidelity of any kind, this is a fictional story. There is no way to pretend what I have previously written doesn't exist, but I ask you to read this story and any future parts as if that were the case. Thank you for reading and enjoy.


Any people, places, names, products or events mentioned or inferred are done so without permission or endorsement. I do not advocate any choices, behaviours or conversations in this story, especially regarding infidelity. This is a work of fiction. ...

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