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The Backdoor club: 7> A Scent of…2this story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 3912 words)

Author: Chris-t6290 Picture in profile
Added: Mar 16 2017Views / Reads: 699 / 405 [58%]Story vote: 10.00 (5 votes)
While travelling on the London underground, Paige Jones, a serving American soldier came across the couple’s disguised advert for anal sex, prompting her to recall an incident with three of her fellow soldiers…read on, to see what happened next.

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Story outline: While travelling on the London underground, Paige Jones, a serving American soldier came across the couple's disguised advert for anal sex, prompting her to recall an incident with three of her fellow soldiers...read on, to see what happened next.

‘Fuck! I've missed my stop and I'm fucking wet. Emn, fond fucking memories. Yeah, why not,' Paige Jones thought to herself, agreeably, and took the paper with her...!

When Zowie answered her call, she hardly recognised any notable American twang to Paige's voice, that's because her parents had died in a car crash in England, and so she made the journey across the Atlantic. There, she spent the later part of her teens with her aunt and uncle; her mom having moved to England to marry her father several years before she was born.

Although Paige's auditional role-play was very much military based, Zowie had no reason to assume she was, in fact, a soldier. Indeed, and apart from the previously mentioned four women who had joined the ‘Backdoor club', few of the other candidates had enjoyed a scene close to their profession.

In the car, Paige accepted the blindfold without hesitation. She was a fully trained soldier, one who, if there was any need, could take both Zowie and her partner without blinking an eye. Thankfully, though, that ...

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