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A Compromise Does it in the Endthis story is part of the FanClub (mm:first time, 2846 words)

Author: Larry Malone
Added: May 16 2017Views / Reads: 2532 / 2120 [84%]Story vote: 9.62 (16 votes)
The constant battle of the male wanting anal and the female refusing until she offers the compromise "You do it first and then we'll talk again."

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A Compromise Does it in the End

by Larry Malone

Sometimes to win a war, you have to lead the battle yourself.

Trisha and I had been dating for over a year and we had a near perfect relationship. We not only got along and enjoyed each other's company but we had great sex...with one exception. We had successfully tried and enjoyed every sexual position and situation between two people except anal intercourse. I was the one who wanted to try it in her perky bubble ass, Trisha wouldn't even consider it. Every attempt and sneaky way I tried to achieve my goal was met with resistance and increasingly hostile reaction. It was a constant battle.

One evening after what we referred to as a “normal” sex session, we were relaxing and exchanging “pillow talk”, Trisha asked why I was so intent on trying anal sex. I really didn't have a good answer other than telling her I had always heard how great it was and just wanted to try it. Her reaction was, as it always had been, how could it be “great” when it hurt? My usual counter defense response was that I had read a lot of stories where it was more enjoyable than painful if done the right way. She always counted with that she had also read a lot of stories too and talked to a lot of girl friends who all said it hurt no matter how it was done. She asked me if I knew for sure what “the right ...

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