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She admitted she wanted to suck his cock, and then she did.this story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 844 words)

Author: Anonymous
Added: May 19 2017Views / Reads: 4009 / 1 [0%]Story vote: 9.12 (26 votes)
Best friends hanging out, when the truth comes out and surprisingly she opens up...literally.

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Two couples, best friends, and the night Sue was out of town. Tom and Sue have been our neighbors and best friends for years. All I have heard for years is how Tom has a huge cock and how Sue is always telling my wife Kelli that she should see it. One night it happened.

Sue had gone out of town to see her parents and Tom and Kelli and I were hanging out on our deck like we always do. The beer was flowing and we started doing shots. It didnt take long and we were all shit faced and I noticed Kelli was staring at Toms cock. I was just drunk enough, and finally spoke up. "Why don't you just ask him if you can see his cock?" Kelli turned bright red and we all had a good laugh. "I am serious I told her, you know you want to see his dick, and I am sure he would like to show it to you". Tom smiled and told her..."if you want to see it, just ask, you can do whatever you want to with it".

Kelli didnt say anything for a few seconds and then turned to me...."you are ok if I see his cock?" "oh hell yes, you can do whatever you want to do".

She then got up and dropped to her knees in front of Tom. She put her hand on his cock, which was growing. She rubbed it up and down and just stared at his ever hardening dick. "Pull it out". she undid his pants and fished his cock out of his pants. He wasnt fully hard, but his dick was long and thick. She took it in her hand and began stroking it. Tom raised up so she cold pull off his pants. She ...

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