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Nature Girlthis story is part of the FanClub (bi:threesomes, 5745 words) [1/3] show all parts

Author: Joyce Picture in profile
Added: Jun 09 2017Views / Reads: 1692 / 1338 [79%]Part vote: 9.67 (12 votes)
While camping in the Smoky Mountains, I had chance encounters with two people who turned out to know each other.

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I love nature photography. Not just looking at it, although I certainly do, but I like getting that perfect shot. I love the variety in God's creation. The summer after my sophomore year in college, I had a job lined up that didn't start till mid-June. I went to Great Smokey Mountain National Park for a week right after Memorial Day so I could photograph as much variety as possible and not have a ton of tourists around. One morning I got pictures of a half-dozen different birds, a pair of squirrels engaged it what could best be described as interspecies mating and a waterfall. I'd really been feeling in touch with nature that morning, so I didn't have shoes on. I regretted it when I stepped in some sort of animal dropping. I'm not a big enough geek to be able identify a species that way, but I knew it was one of the many hoofed mammals that live here. My campsite was close to an inlet of the Little River, so I gathered some soap and headed there. Since no one was around, I stripped naked and waded out until the water came up to my waist.

After about ten minutes, I dropped the soap. I turned around once looking for it, and then I decided that the sliver that remained wasn't worth the effort. I had my back to the shore, and I heard a man ask, "How's the water?" I turned around, and saw a guy in T-shirt and shorts. He looked just a few years older than me.

Not wanting to offend anyone, I buckled my knees until the water was up to my shoulders and turned around. I answered, "Fantastic. It's so warm ...

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