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My neighbor on displaythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 1551 words)

Author: Brandygirl
Added: Jun 12 2017Views / Reads: 1772 / 500 [28%]Story vote: 9.04 (26 votes)
The neighbor girl learns a lesson

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A week or so went by and after a day with the guys golfing, I was spent. For all the time we spent at the "19th hole" we drank about 3 rounds. Anyway my buddy dropped me at my house at 6 and I stumbled to the couch and passed out. I woke up at 1:30AM to rehydrate. While I was standing in the kitchen getting a glass of water I could swear I heard people talking out front and then heard something on my front porch. Laughter. Some pissant kids must be spending there summer night pranking houses I thought. well I'll show them. Instead of going out the front door and scaring them off, I went out the side door and grabbed the hose. I figured even if I didn't know the buggers I would ruin their night by soaking them. From my driveway I could already see loose squares of toilet paper floating around. I walked silent like a ninja, hugging the wall of my house, hose in hand. When I was at the corner I paused. Female voices and giggling. I stepped out of the shadows and yelled "Hey." 3 girls took off like they were shot out of a cannon running to a parked convertible, the fourth girl had been toilet papering my deck froze. The car squealed away and over the laughter and screeching tires I heard "Sorry Lana!" "Lana?" the fourth girl, stepped off of my porch and I could finally see it was the girl from next door. "Hi Mr Flint." "Now you have manners? Who the fuck is going to clean this up?" "I dunno, the rain?" Just then I realized I still had the hose in my hand and was conflicted on if I should still go with my plan and soak the perpetrator or drop it. "The answer is YOU Lana." "Yeah Right" she said as she began to half walk half stumble across my lawn to get to her house. "I'll just text your ...

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