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Getting Personal 2this story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 6762 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: jwdoney
Added: Jul 11 2017Views / Reads: 1288 / 1023 [79%]Part vote: 9.60 (25 votes)
Avery may be the hottest woman alive, and Kyle might be the luckiest man alive as they scorch sheets in Maryland then Oklahoma with a startling surprise that Kyle can never tell anyone... if he survives it! Hot erotic fiction!

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This is a fictional story about a fictional character involving fictional situations. Avery Michaels is not real, does not exist, and is NOT based on anyone real or in any kind of movie, TV show, book, magazine, video game or any other kind of media. Any similarities to Brooke Burke are coincidental and unintended. What I don't know about fitness and health, I have either researched or guessed, and no offense is meant to anyone in the industry or associated with it. This is intended to be a fun, fast and sexy story with impossible romance happening to two people who least expect it. Any similarities to anything I have previously written is unintentional and coincidental, this is an original story.

Any people, places, named, products or events mentioned are done so without permission or endorsement. The NBA, OKLAHOMA CITY THUNDER, THUNDER GIRLS, and any named players, especially Russell Westbrook are used without permission and with complete respect in mind. This is a work of fiction and does not represent anyone real or imagined.

My name is Kyle and I am 23 years old, stand 5' 11" with short brown hair, a good physique, and trying to deal with the incredible and unexpected turn of events in my life. Yesterday I was working part time at Best Buy, going on blind dates, and wishing my life would get better. I have a degree in Business Management, plenty of student debt, and two parents who meddle in my life. Mom sets me up with odd and strange blind dates and gives me Reader's Digest advice. Dad lectures ...

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