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Everyone’s a winner: 1> Colour V Size this story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 5908 words)

Author: Chris-t6290 Picture in profile
Added: Aug 03 2017Views / Reads: 2891 / 2517 [87%]Story vote: 9.12 (8 votes)
Handing in the last of her Friday morning’s typing before going on her lunch break, Jane Rogers gets caught up in something more than a friendly wager as to the colour of her thong and the size of Steve and his colleague’s dicks.

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Story outline: Handing in the last of her Friday morning's typing before going on her lunch break, Jane Rogers gets caught up in something more than a friendly wager as to the colour of her thong and the size of Steve and his colleague's dicks.


Although, in many respects, erotic sexual love, in particular, that which leads up to it, can very much be seen as a game. When you get right down to it, it's a game in which there are or should only be winners. In that sense, and even though there are some competitive lead ups to the actual eroticism, thereafter, ‘Everyone's a winner!'

From Monday to Friday, I work as one of many secretaries in a suite of offices that are spread over 3 floors. Being the young (23 years) single sexy woman I am, the weekends, starting with Friday evening, are when I get to enjoy myself in the company of men.

It was a hot Friday in late May, the hottest so far according to the news that evening. I had just finished up some typing for Steve, a fair-haired blue-eyed rascal, and was about to go on my lunch break.

Amanda, his usual secretary, was on holiday and so I agreed to step in. From what she told me about Steve and his office buddies, Gordon and Alec, to pass the time on Friday, when work is usually lax, they had ...

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