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SCOREBOARD 1this story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 6227 words) [1/4] show all parts

Author: jwdoney
Added: Aug 11 2017Views / Reads: 4378 / 3742 [85%]Part vote: 9.38 (24 votes)
Amy is the pretty and proper girl next door, but her life changes when she goes to an interview at the local sports bar. With help she doesn't need from her wild sister Kathy, Amy might just spin out of control... and enjoy it.

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jwdoney has been interviewed! Click here to read interview.

This is a work of fiction depicting a fictitious sports bar, similar to TILTED KILT, HOOTERS, TULLY'S, TWIN PEAKS and any other local or chain sports bars. With respect to all those franchises, SCOREBOARD is fictional, does not exist, and is all tongue in cheek. All due respect to all the women who work in sports bars, you don't get the respect you deserve. The situations described here are fictional, created, and are not meant to offend anyone. This will be a sex soaked, hilarious story, but also possibly my most detailed, character driven piece, so you have to read the story to get the sex. Several genres will be featured, but this will post under SEX AT WORK for reasons that will become obvious real soon. Let me know what you think, this one is going to have layers!

Any people, places, names, products or events mentioned or inferred are done so without permission or endorsement. This is a work of fiction.

My name is Amelia, but my friends call me Amy. I am 28, single, stand 5' 11". I have long black hair, a nice body that I work hard to maintain, and what I am told is the girl next door personality. I get hit on and flirted with, but guys literally push past me to talk to the blondes and redheads, so it is what it is. I went away for college and met a nice guy named Ryan who I dated for almost 4 years. While I was earning my degree in business, he was getting his in accounting. We lived together, loved each other, had fun and made big plans. Then just before we graduated, Ryan slept with Jane, a gorgeous blonde who makes ...

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