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A Jessie McClintock Story - GHOSTthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:other, 8200 words)

Author: GingerDaddyOh Picture in profile
Added: Aug 16 2017Views / Reads: 1099 / 796 [72%]Story vote: 9.62 (8 votes)
A detective helps victims of erotic supernatural events.

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Melissa hurried down the street hunched against the rain. Her wispy blonde hair matted down to a dull brown in the downpour. The coat she held carelessly against the aggressive storm molded to her slight frame. Yet it wasn't the weather she was trying to avoid. It was the stares. The inescapable feeling that everyone knew. Knew what had happened to her. Knew she had changed. Knew that she was a boiling cauldron of lust, desire and need. Knew all they had to do was demand it and she would fall to the floor legs open, ready for a conquest she was all too well aware would not satiate the ever insistent desire within her.

This appointment tonight filled her with a modicum of hope. Her doctor had made her believe this could be the solution. It had to be. Because Melissa wasn't sure she could survive another day.

Not. One. More. Day.

Not like this.

The street numbers flew past, but then she stopped. She'd gone too far. She back tracked and still couldn't find it. But it had to be here. It had to ... There, a barely visible alleyway descending into pitch darkness. Away from the street lights. Away from the people. A dark crevice that beckoned her to enter and explore. Was this her destiny? One final bad choice made out of inconsiderate need? If so, so be it. ...

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