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Taken For Pleasurethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 3174 words)

Author: HA Johns Picture in profile
Added: Aug 21 2017Views / Reads: 913 / 698 [76%]Story vote: 9.67 (6 votes)
A former slut connects with her old lover and gets to play again while her husband watches the kids. In the end the husband is glad she is busy and not asking for sex so much.

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Taken For Pleasure


Molly James was 34, married to William James, also known as Bill. They had two children Emily and Samuel ages ten and seven. Her husband was a salesman for a liquor distributor and she was a stay at home Mom. Life was good. She loved her husband, children. They were the typical American family. Scouts for both children, little league for Sam, church for the entire family.

There was one minor problem, sex with Bill was milk toast. While Molly had a history in college, Bill was a virgin when they met. He refused to have sex until they married and then it was missionary all the way. Once she had tried to suck his cock but he had thrown a fit, telling her that was something whores did. When she first had the kids, it was easy not to think about sex, she was always tired, getting very little help from Bill, who did not think a husbands duty was to do housework or help her, especially with her at home all the time.

Bill also tended to be quick on the trigger so she often had to finish herself later by hand. Sometimes when she was masturbating she would think back to college and Joel. Joel was a real pervert and brought out something in her that she thought was best left buried. But Joel knew how to treat a woman, she remembered the multiple climaxes he used ...

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