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The Conference - Part Ithis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 3423 words)

Author: JamesSheraton
Added: Sep 18 2017Views / Reads: 4498 / 3733 [83%]Story vote: 9.61 (38 votes)
Part of my job requires me to travel for training on occasion. My recent trip to Kansas City changed my life.

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As an outsider, the first image that comes to mind when you find out you'll be traveling to the Midwest for work is an Emerald City. If not the Emerald City itself, then certainly a tornado or two which might carry you there. That was the chatter amongst myself and my coworkers, at least, when we found out that we'd be heading to Kansas City for a week of intense IT training.


As the plane touched down, I resigned myself to the typical reality of professional outings; long days in a classroom bookended by a few drinks at the hotel bar with people I'd rather avoid most of the time. Sleep, rinse, and repeat.

"James, are you coming?"

I was woken from my dull trance as Courtney, one of my fellow co-workers, noticed I wasn't getting off the plane with everyone else.

"Yeah, yeah... I'm with you, Courtney." I popped up out of my seat and joined with the others.

My next hour was consumed watching luggage make tedious laps on a conveyor belt until it eventually occurred to myself and everyone else that mine had been lost. I ushered everyone to go ahead to the hotel ...

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