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A Piece of Kandi 6this story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 5977 words) [6/6] show all parts

Author: jwdoney
Added: Oct 07 2017Views / Reads: 898 / 601 [67%]Part vote: 9.79 (14 votes)
Kandi and Jenna make their scorching return and all the boys better look out. Kandi's (and Jenna's) antics have caught up with her causing changes in relationships, work and home life, but will that stop the girls from getting laid?

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It's been 10 months since I came up with the idea of Kandi. Someone has had a baby in that amount of time. It's been 6 months since I posted part 5 and the reason for the long delay is hate mail and negative feedback. Looking back, my editor James and I can see that I forced the romance with Rob, rushed the proposal, gave Kandi unrealistic promotions at work, even dabbled in her becoming a porn star, all while trying to compete with the epic nonsense that was ALICIA AND THE BIKINI STORE. Doing so, I lost track of the core of this story... Kandi getting laid all the time and everywhere. The humiliation, unexpected sex, Kandi's self insulting sarcasm, and her constant loss of clothes was cute, sexy and fun... but then I piled on the drama and story.

If you're still reading, thanks to my great success with PIXIE, I am learning to slow down and tell a chapter at a time, not try to cram the entire story into a part... and not to try and rush everyone to the altar. A PIECE OF KANDI will continue with a slight reboot, losing most of the heavy story. At the same time, Kandi will pull a MAGNUM P.I. and talk to the readers more, hopefully adding humor and substance. I am using writer's prerogative and minimizing Rob, Mike and Ryan (in what I hope is a believable way) in hopes of getting Kandi back to being a clueless slut, and with Jenna's help, there should be PLENTY of sex all around. Basically consider this part as the premiere of season 2, and hopefully I will find Kandi's magic... before she forgets where she put it.


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