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One Heck Of A Prizethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 3163 words)

Author: oppy-n-rose Picture in profile
Added: Oct 15 2017Views / Reads: 4975 / 4155 [84%]Story vote: 8.92 (26 votes)
My company gives away 5 free trips and I win one of them....

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I was getting ready to attend a meeting that was being held by my bosses and supervisors in the cafeteria of our job. Luckily, this meeting was a good one as once a year, they got all the employees together and held a raffle amongst all the employees and the five winners would win whatever prize the bosses and management had come up with. We had a pretty big company and there were about 50 employees that worked here so the chances weren't terrible that one of us would win the prize. We all gathered in the cafeteria and the management team got up in front of everyone and began to talk. They advised us that the company has done extremely well this year and had bought in almost twice the amount of money that we had the previous year so this year they were going to reward the five winners with a very nice prize, in order to motivate everyone to continue working hard so that they can continue giving away these nice prizes. This year's prize, was an all inclusive paid trip by the company to a resort in the Bahamas. When everyone heard that, they became extremely excited, including myself. After all, who wouldn't want a free trip to the Bahamas? They began to draw names out of the basket that they had and one by one they began to read who the winners were. The first three winners were all male coworkers of mine and naturally, they couldn't believe their luck. As they pulled the next name out, I started to think that my chances were slim since this was going to be the fourth person to be called. They called out the name and at first I didn't realize that they had said my name. It wasn't until my coworker that was standing next to me reached over and congratulated me that I realized I had won. I was in shock and didn't ...

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