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Story Of My Life 4this story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 6900 words) [4/4] show all parts

Author: jwdoney
Added: Oct 19 2017Views / Reads: 1152 / 906 [79%]Part vote: 9.96 (23 votes)
An erotic morning with Heather is interrupted when Karen sends John and Kaci to California to fix an urgent issue. John finds a unique way to resolve it only to witness the most shocking moment of his life... and my hottest cliffhanger.

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While this story is a hit and fans love it, there is some concern about the long opening and detailed recap. This will be the last part with recap because from here on out, the story gets faster and hotter. Everything will be streamlined starting with part 5. I just have to hope from this point forward, readers have read previous parts. Descriptions of women will occur when they are introduced in each part, if they are in it, as some women like Linda and Ashley are not center to the story. As you know, John is based completely on me and thinks, acts and talks like I do or would. The story is fictional but uses some of my real life experiences amidst the fictional settings and scenarios. Also, the chaos is intentional because John is going to change how he looks at everything once the smoke clears and the title comes to light.

More so than any other story I have ever written, all situations, scenarios and conversations are fictional, these events have not occurred, and no description of past or current events is intended. Any similarities to actors or actresses, websites, porn clips or videos, books, magazines, comics, stories or even a dream someone may have had is coincidental and unintentional. This is an original work that may have been inspired by any or all of those things mentioned, but comes completely from my imagination. Any people, places, names, products or events mentioned or inferred are done so without permission or endorsement of any kind. This is a work of fiction.


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