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You Better Be Surethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:older women/men, 7954 words)

Author: jwdoney
Added: Dec 10 2017Views / Reads: 2296 / 1795 [78%]Story vote: 9.79 (24 votes)
A heartfelt story of a younger guy who chases the older woman he's known most of his life and how she lets him catch her while making sure he wants her and not just sex. Romantic and sexy all at once, I hope you enjoy it.

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This is a work of fiction and is not intended to resemble any person in particular. No part of this story is related to, inspired by, or intended to be similar to anything I have posted previously. The problem with writing and posting so many stories, is eventually patterns and similarities will emerge. That is not intended for this story.

Any people, places, names, products or events mentioned or inferred are done so without permission or endorsement. No part of this story represents my thoughts or feelings about women or how they think, act or should be treated. This is a work of fiction.

My name is Brandon and I am 24 years old, single, 5' 11" with short brown hair, and what everyone says is an enchanting smile. I have a degree in business and work for a local country store called KATIE'S PLACE owned by my mom's closest friend, Katie. The shop is a hybrid of a convenience store, cellular sales, print and copy shop, and mailbox, packing and shipping services. We even sell baked goods, locally made crafts and clothing. We live in a small town like you see in the better Lifetime and most Hallmark movies. Yes we roll up the sidewalks by 9pm, yes we celebrate every holiday as a town, and yes... everyone knows everyone. So KATIE'S PLACE is sort of an all in one country store and Katie both owns and runs it. Katie is my mom's best friend and has been as long as I can remember. Recently, Katie hired me to help her, basically making me the manager, but since there are only seven regular ...

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