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Apres Ski. Travels with my sex starved mumthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 2981 words)

Author: Lyn Picture in profile
Added: Dec 30 2017Views / Reads: 3196 / 2538 [79%]Story vote: 9.69 (39 votes)
Apres Ski. Travels with my sex starved mum

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Apres Ski: A Lyns Christmas Special

When I say 'special' I tremble as I sit down to write it, as it is ALMOST 'taboo', (you decide) because it involves my mom.

When I was 26 (1994) i had a ski trip booked to Austria, and my friend (ex friend) let me down BECAUSE SHE'D GOT A NEW BOYFRIEND, COW!! and I ended up going skiiing wih my mom. I should explain that my mom had skiied since she was a child, so no novice, and she had me at 19 so when I was 26 she was only 45, a bit younger than I am now, as I write this.

If we were the same age she'd be 20% better looking than me, but as she's nearly 70, well.. she looks good for nearly 70. In 1994 she looked great. She's got far bigger tits than me, and is a touch taller. The same big grey eyes, and she's brunette, whereas I have spent most of my adult life dyed blonde.

So the first night of our trip we got rather drunk together, and my mom probably crossed the line of what was appropriate to tell your daughter. I adored my late father, and the horrible man my mom married afterwards, known as H, I thought was the most digusting creature I had ever met. But. The is always a but. Apparently, in his younger days, H had been quite the MISTER LOVER LOVER MAN. Yes, she told me ALL about it, every position known to man, every hole known to woman, and several ...

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