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The Massagethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 1108 words)

Author: CuriousCat81 Picture in profile
Added: Dec 30 2017Views / Reads: 2068 / 1251 [60%]Story vote: 8.67 (6 votes)
I get to our hotel room, you are sore from a hard weeks work. I offer you a massage, what could go wrong,....

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I get to our hotel room. You are laying on the floor stretching your legs. You say you are sore from working so much today. I offer to give you a massage, which you accept but tell me no funny business you're too sore.

"Of course, my lady. I always behave myself." I reply with a cheeky smile.

"No, I am serious. I have been working lots and my legs are really sore."

"Ok, ok. Best behavior. I swear"

I start by rubbing your calves. Gentle kneading the sore muscles. You moan and sigh, as I dig my knuckles into the hard knots which have formed. I work them, and as they start to release and smooth out, I feel your body relaxing.

I move up your legs but your pant legs keep getting in the way. I slide my hands up to around your waist, gripping the waist band of your pants. You open your eyes and raise an eyebrow at me. I explain it is just so I can massage your legs. You smile and shake your head at me, but lift yourself slightly off the ground allowing me to pull your pants off.


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