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Tryst of Trust: Another Cheating Wife Storythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 2695 words) [5/6] show all parts

Author: Reltney McFee
Added: Jan 07 2018Views / Reads: 736 / 465 [63%]Part vote: 8.55 (11 votes)
Abruptly, I realized another man might find my wife desirable. Does this save, or destroy, our marriage?

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Next day, they reviewed the events of the previous evening. I got the chance to chat with my attorney, at length. I revealed my experiences coming home early, and the videography I had undertaken. I promised him a disc with the images from that night, and he told me to stay put, as he went for a conversation with the prosecutor.

He returned, and told me he had good news, as well as bad news. "The good news, is that if there is a clear view of him striking her, and her gesturing for him to stop, and leave, before he struck her again, and binding her, that would sure look nonconsensual. The bad news, is that, unless Annie knew of and agreed to the recording, there is a wiretapping element here that may result in trouble for you."

"So, you're telling me, that if Annie knew of the recording, and approved, then I'm in the clear, but if not, I have problems?"

"Yep. The prosecutor will want to talk to her about that detail."

The prosecutor was reluctant to make a determination of no crime on my part, until she had made sure that she had the entire story. I was looking at a preliminary examination, at the least. Off to court we headed.


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