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He Couldn't Resistthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 3772 words)

Author: oppy-n-rose Picture in profile
Added: Jan 10 2018Views / Reads: 3344 / 2851 [85%]Story vote: 9.37 (19 votes)
I hang out with a couple of guys as they his the town to celebrate one of the guys upcoming wedding and things get interesting...

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I was hanging out with my friend Alex at her house as we prepared stuff for her upcoming wedding. She was getting married in a couple of weeks and things were coming down to the final minutes. As we were taking care of a few things, her fiancé Jeff showed up, along with his two friends Marco and Peter. Jeff lived with Alex and the two of them had been together for a very long time and finally decided to get married. She was excited and couldn't wait for the big day. As we were all hanging out we overheard the guys talking about plans that they had for the following Saturday evening. It sounded like they were planning to go out and Peter had a bunch of ideas in place. I could see the look on Alex's face and could tell that she wasn't very happy. Apparently, Peter was pretty wild and loved to have fun whenever they went out. She wasn't really happy with her fiancé Jeff hanging out with him but didn't want to pick and choose his friends. As they were all talking about it, Peter joked around with Alex and asked if it was okay to take Jeff out. They went back and forth about in a playful manner and somehow my name got thrown into the mix. Peter told her that if she didn't trust the guys going out, then she should have me chaperone. We all laughed about it before Alex looked at me and asked if I would go. I thought she was playing around at first, but then realized that she was serious. I looked at the guys and they all began to egg me on, telling me to come with them. I looked back Alex and shrugged my shoulders while saying what the heck, I could use a free night out. I found it kind of odd that they wanted me to come along and chaperone their get together, but what the hell, if it made Alex happy, then I ...

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