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Taken In part 9this story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 3615 words) [9/13] show all parts

Author: jwdoney
Added: Jan 30 2018Views / Reads: 810 / 622 [77%]Part vote: 9.63 (19 votes)
After calling Julie "Kelly" during hot sex, then later blurting he wants to sleep with her sister Rachel, Ashley calls his bluff and explodes everything. As Julie lets John have it, can he save their complicated and cliched relationship?

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TO ALL READERS... before you react to the over the top Rachel cliche in this part, and any mirror to previous stories I have written... breathe. Just take a breath, and trust that I have a plan for John, Julie and this story overall. If you are still having strong feelings, shoot me some feedback BEFORE you vote, but I promise, nothing with Rachel is at it may seem.

Now back to our regularly scheduled story.


This is a work of erotic fiction that may borrow from, mirror, or even copy parts of previous stories I have written, but this in itself is an original story regardless of that. No insult or slight of any kind is intended towards women and this is not how I would act or treat women in even the slightest way. I have no idea if the cliches presented would work out or even occur, but this is erotic fiction so please relax and enjoy the story.

Any people, places, names, products or events mentioned or inferred are done so without permission or endorsement. This is a work of fiction.

My name is John and I am 40 years old, stand 5' 11" with short black hair, and I'm in good shape. It's been 16 months since Kelly, my wife of 19 years passed and I am the father of a beautiful 12 year old ...

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