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Basement Gamesthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 1981 words)

Author: RhythmicLover
Added: Mar 03 2018Views / Reads: 2396 / 2115 [88%]Story vote: 9.28 (25 votes)
I knew Lori through her brother Jake, he invited me over then left me with her.

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Jake and I knew each other in high school. We didn't hang-out a lot, but we would hang-out occasionally playing video games in his basement. I had been away at college and had pretty much forgotten about Jake until I was home for the summer before my Senior year. I ran into Jake out a coffee shop and we caught up a bit and he invited me over to play video games. It had been a while since I played, but I had the day off and figured it would be good to do something. Being home from college, I didn't have a lot of friends and most of the ones I was in contact with had jobs during the day.

"You know the drill" Jake said as we parted, "just come in the side door and straight down the stairs."

The layout of Jake's house made it an ideal party space because the stairs to the basement was right next to the side door - Jake's parents always used the front door if they were home, so anytime Jake or his sister Lori invited friends over they could just have them come to the side door and go in and out without ringing the doorbell or knocking. Jake's parents had sound-insulated the basement so their kids could play games and listen to music in the basement without the parents being disturbed even though they were hardly ever home. Jake's parents worked constantly and they traveled a lot for their jobs. Now that Jake and his sister were both over 18 they left for weeks on end without coming home.


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