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The Wedding... part 7this story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 13848 words) [7/11] show all parts

Author: jwdoney
Added: May 30 2018Views / Reads: 1298 / 1027 [79%]Part vote: 10.00 (11 votes)
A condensed and edited recap of THE WEDDING parts 1 thru 3 for those that don't have archive access or don't feel like searching for it. THE WEDDING will return in scorching fashion and JD will never see it coming!

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It's been a year or better since I wrote and published THE WEDDING. I had a goal in mind, to tell a high speed, chaotic sex fest where no one including the readers would know what came next. Somehow I got distracted with work, life, and other story ideas, because it just sat dormant until someone scrolled through the archives, read all six parts, and asked for more. Having re-read my own work, it was some of the funniest and clever writing I have ever done. Sure the multiple partners was hard to believe, and no guy is that lucky, not even the hottest Hollywood hunk, but THE WEDDING just begs to be continued. Therefore, here are the first three parts, condensed so that they read as one long part, just in case you don't have access to the archives or don't feel like searching for it. Parts four through six will be posted as THE WEDDING... part 8. There are no guarantees in life, I have a lot going on, but I hope to have an original part 9 written and posted soon, and will try to finish THE WEDDING through to a conclusion.

Here are THE WEDDING parts 1 through 3 as originally posted, minus the recap and lead in between parts.

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This is a work of fiction created for and inspired by ideas submitted from two very dedicated readers, James F. who is also my friend and editor and Dennis D. a longtime, loyal reader who is not afraid to tell me the truth when no one else will. Initially these ideas would have ...

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