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Drive in blow jobsthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 1906 words)

Author: Restless
Added: Jun 03 2018Views / Reads: 2735 / 2109 [77%]Story vote: 8.79 (14 votes)
High school boy gets blow job from girlfriend. Passing older stranger sees them, and gets into back seat asking to watch. More transpires than watching.

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When you are in high school and live in a town with one of the last drive-ins, that's the place to go and make out. So that's where I took Sherri. I bought popcorn and cokes and after eating popcorn, I kissed her and tasted the salt, which was yummy.

When I put my hand on her breast she automatically moved it down to her waist, where it then begin to find it's way inside her skirt. "Whoa," she said, you have a wandering hand and I don't do those things on the first date. "Let's pretend it's the second, " and kissed her harder with my tongue exploring her mouth and finding little grains of popcorn. She giggled. "I can't do that."

Sheri had the reputation off a girl whose breasts you could feel. And they were ample. I'm sort of slender and probably for that reason have always preferred slightly plum girls. Sherri's breasts seemed to won to burst from her blouse.

Unable to copy a feel, I begin to unbutton her blouse. She slapped my hand, but playfully. "Just the first one," I said, and "just the first one she repeated" and I knew I was going to make some progress.

When I spread her shirt open, I could see her cleavage. "Nice cleavage" I said, "thank you" she replied politely. When I proceeded to the second, she said, "only the first" and I said, "well, this is the first of those that remain" and without waiting for her reply, the second ...

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