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Trombone ch4: The Auditionthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 5391 words)

Author: mcerotic
Added: Dec 19 2018Views / Reads: 2629 / 2023 [77%]Story vote: 9.92 (24 votes)
I have to go for my audition to join Lord Larry's Lovelies. I don't even take my trombone. I know Larry is interested in an entirely different instrument.

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This story is getting a bit complicated, so let me remind you of what happened before I tell you the next bit. I met Sheryl and Stan after I twisted my ankle running. Yeah, we all had sex together. It turned out he was a jazz musician too, and I got to rehearse with the band he played in. The group after us, Lord Larry's Lovelies, was a bandleader on keyboard, and the rest of the band were all beautiful women. But he'd seen at least some of me playing with the group Stan was in, and he invited me to meet in his dressing room. He said he wanted me to audition to be a Lovely. That was all on Sunday night.

When I woke up on Monday morning, I already had a text from an unknown number. It was as terse as the message on the business card had been.

"marriott 6pm wednesday. i'll text room number later LL"

I'd have known it was from Lord Larry even if he hadn't put "LL" at the end of the text.

Before I could think about it, and rationalize not going, I replied "k".

On Wednesday afternoon I got a second text. It was just a number. I knew it was the room number at the Marriott. That morning I'd laughed at myself when I carefully chose a nice matching bra and panty set. I was pretty sure I wouldn't be the only person to see them that day. ...

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