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A visitor at my door this story is part of the FanClub (ff:one-on-one, 1779 words)

Author: Jo Jo Picture in profile
Added: Feb 19 2019Views / Reads: 1797 / 1323 [74%]Story vote: 9.58 (24 votes)
A knock at my door in the night leads to a steamy tryst with a girl.

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Derby University 1995:

When I was (very briefly) at Uni I maintained an entirely heterosexual profile, this despite my many trysts at school, with the girls and the nuns and two lads.

One night I was dead asleep after a RIGHT session in the Students Union bar, when I was awoken by the knocking of doors. Firstly not my door, but getting closer. Then they WERE at my door. I got up quickly and opened it. Standing at my door was a girl I knew, called Leigh. She was very drunk, and naked, in the corridor.

Quite a few people had come out of their rooms to see what was going on. Among them were a couple, and the male half was standing in the corridor, naked, with a full erection, which was glistening in the neon light either with her spit of her cunt juices. It was a NICE cock, I had a good look, and he at me, as I was naked as well.

Leigh was trying to cover her tits and pussy with her hands. I didn't bother, myself. I don't give a fuck about being seen naked, I positively enjoy it.

I am making it sound like she spent half an hour on my doorstep, not the case. I ushered her in.


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