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Buisness trip gone rightthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:exhibitionism, 12324 words)

Author: Pug
Added: Mar 05 2019Views / Reads: 3111 / 2419 [78%]Story vote: 9.64 (14 votes)
Finding myself unexpectedly in London on a business trip I meet a playmate.

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Business trip gone right

Written by Pug

I was supposed to have a nice vacation. I was supposed to be fucking my way across Europe. But as soon as I heard my boss on the other end of the phone I realised that wasn't happening any more. A colleague of mine had just gotten ill. Seriously sick, not just a small case of the 'flu or a dizzy spell. No this guy had managed to get something contagious enough for him to experience isolation and bio-hazard procedures from the wrong side.

Since my colleague was occupied elsewhere I had to take some of his workload. We all did, but since I was supposed to be travelling anyways I got to the gig of cozying up som some suppliers and customers at an Exhibition in London. Nothing big, mind you. But several of our long time clients would be sending some mid to lower heights managament there, so my employer wanted at least two shoes on the ground. So in stead of drikning my way across every whorehouse or bordello in eastern Europe I was now sober at the Excel Ehibition Hall A in London. Wearing a business suit and everything. This wasn't how I'd envisioned my well deserved vacation to develop.

But then again, every door that closes, often leads you through some previously unnseen doors. Some new oppertunities would surely present ...

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