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Road Show 8.3this story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 4109 words) [10/12] show all parts

Author: TA Writer
Added: Mar 16 2019Views / Reads: 1319 / 892 [68%]Part vote: 10.00 (2 votes)
Michelle settles her lost wager with Jimmy, and her Saturday performance shatters the Friday record! She agrees to being tied blindfolded to a tree after which she joins a poker game and loses all. Before the predicted gang bang the wives unexpectedly re

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"Michelle," Jimmy began "we need to plan the extra tryst you promised when we tried out the rotating bed on the first dat. As I remember the conversation went along the following lines:"

When I paused eating you out You said "Wait! Why are you stopping?" You moaned in distress.

"I think I am going to fuck you. I just have not decided which hole to start with." Jimmy said.

"No, you can't do that! I am married....." You weakly countered.

"Yes, I will because you will beg me." I retorted leaning back to oral striking distance. "I am going to do you bareback and in less than ten minutes you will be begging me Once here and now, and at least one more in front of an audience later" Jimmy upped the stakes.

When I sat partially up after only 5 minutes. You were already frantic. "Oh, please don't stop. Your mouth feels wonderful and I want you to eat me." You were heard to moan. She blurted "OH! Damm you! Yes, you can fuck me. I really want you to fuck me and I AM begging you. Do me bareback. Use every hole you want. But just eat me first."

"And later? I demanded


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