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Brief encounters: 31> Rescue me this story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 3948 words)

Author: Chris-t6290 Picture in profile
Added: Jun 13 2019Views / Reads: 1571 / 1194 [76%]Story vote: 9.67 (6 votes)
Taking a break from weeks of missionary work in southern Cambodia, Avril Kelly found herself in the local bar. While she was there, and as a cool beer slid down her throat, she came to the attention of two rugged soldiers who were sat alone, drinking.

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Chris-t6290 has been interviewed! Click here to read interview.

Story outline: Taking a break from weeks of missionary work in southern Cambodia, Avril Kelly found herself in the local bar. While she was there, and as a cool beer slid down her throat, she came to the attention of two rugged soldiers who were sat alone, drinking.

Please Note:

For the benefit of amor, and anyone else unfamiliar with this story collection's imprint: ‘Brief encounters', they epitomise (are representative of) the well-known phrase: ‘Ship's that pass in the night'. A ‘Brief (sexual) Encounter', either between total strangers, as is the case of 'Rescue Me' (this very story, in fact), or work colleagues, never to be repeated again, while, as in a real life Brief encounter, one that most people have enjoyed at least once, are devoid of (without) a plot, moreover, one in which the female character may find herself being used (exploited sexually)!

For your total reading pleasure and enjoyment, the following well-written, excellent erotic story has been checked with Grammarly, a renowned on-line grammar and spell checker (making it 99.95% error free), while British English spelling has been used for all but one word (ass). Thank you, and enjoy reading this prolific author's latest offering, and accordingly cast a vote for it at the end if you so wish. (That being the only reward that author's look forward to receiving for their hard work.) ...

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