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Here There Be Dragonsthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 3956 words)

Author: Chrissie Bentley Picture in profile
Added: Jun 14 2019Views / Reads: 3455 / 2813 [81%]Story vote: 9.70 (30 votes)
A threesome with my best friend Lisa and a nerd on his way to play Dungeons and Dragons. Well, he looked like a nerd. But he had the biggest cock we'd ever seen AND we knew exactly what to do with it.

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Chrissie Bentley has been interviewed! Click here to read interview.

"Hey Chrissie. Have you ever had a threesome?"

I'll say one thing for my friend Lisa. She always knows how to catch your attention.

"No, I can't say I have," I started to say, but she was already chatting on. "I've been thinking about that a lot just lately. I think it's something to do with the ageing process."

I eyed her curiously. "It's not just because you can't keep your legs shut, then?"

"Seriously. Think about it, when you're young, everything's a brand new experience. But as you get older... haven't you noticed how your options just start drying up? You and Dave, for example. You've been together however long, a year or whatever, and I bet half the things you were doing when you first met have been completely forgotten about."

"Okay... you do have a point, there."

"Right. And why is that? Because you know one another so well, you know what each other likes, and you've just settled into a routine where that's all you do. There's no time for play anymore, no room for experiment. You just get in, get out and get on with your lives. And ...

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