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We Both Needed Itthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 2920 words)

Author: oppy-n-rose Picture in profile
Added: Nov 13 2019Views / Reads: 2979 / 2470 [83%]Story vote: 9.11 (19 votes)
I meet up with a old friend for a drink and realize we both are missing the same thing at home...

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I was playing around my laptop, late one night after my wife and kid had gone to bed when I received a message on my Facebook. I looked to see who it was and noticed it was my friend Diane who I hadn't spoken to in a bit. She was a mutual friend of my sister and we had met each other years ago when we were all hanging out. I liked her because she was funny and had a great sense of humor, but also had a great body and I enjoyed admiring it whenever we had hung out. I could never understand how she married, the guy who she had married because he was a complete moron and scored way over his head. I don't know what she saw in him, besides maybe that he made some money. Either way, we remained friends over the years and kept in touch via Facebook. We didn't get to hang out as often because we were all married now and had our own families.

I opened the message and we began to chat back and forth. After going back and forth for a few minutes, she sent me a laughing face emoji and asked what was up with one of my other social media accounts. I asked her what she meant and she replied, telling me that we were friends on other social media account and that she had just been on their and noticed that I followed a lot of porn stars on it. I immediately started laughing, as I knew exactly what she was talking about. Besides Facebook, I also had a twitter account where I followed mostly porn stars on it, because they were free to post whatever they wanted and I enjoyed looking at it. I quickly responded to her, telling her that's the site I went on to free my mind a bit since I was so bored all the time. She replied and we went back and forth about it for a little bit ...

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