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Finishing the Jobthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 984 words)

Author: Here Kitty Kitty Picture in profile
Added: Mar 13 2020Views / Reads: 1611 / 1264 [78%]Story vote: 9.63 (27 votes)
I fantasize often about another woman at my office. In January, there was a juicy rumor going around about her and a manager. I don't know if it is true, but this is how I imagine it. This story is a quickie! Pass if that's not your thing!

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Charlene wasn't a likable person. She wasn't outgoing or friendly. When she spoke, it was almost always a complaint or catty remark. She was superficial and crass

But she was also attractive. She wasn't a model, but pretty enough to get by with a bad attitude.

Her face was heart-shaped. She had big brown eyes and flawless skin. Her auburn hair was thick and always styled to draw attention. She was short and fit with the type of curves that men notice. She wore a lot of tight sweaters and on casual Friday she'd stuff her big ass into skin-tight jeans.

I didn't enjoy her company. The feeling was mutual, but we usually ended up at the same happy hours. Sometimes we'd get into arguments. But at work, we were usually cordial.

Personality aside, I was drawn to her like a magnet. I'd stare at her in meetings. I loved to watch her wiggle her ass when she walked down the hall.

I daydreamed about fucking her, just wondering what it would be like to stare into those big eyes. Her wild hair and wardrobe made me wonder if she was fiery in bed.


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