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Deepest Desiresthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:first time, 2513 words) [1/13] show all parts

Author: Hazel
Added: Apr 20 2020Views / Reads: 2835 / 2184 [77%]Part vote: 9.64 (14 votes)
I had a fantasy of how i would lose my virginity, my 18 year old best friend Colin blew that idea right out of the water

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Deepest Desires.

Like most women, I had two "go to" fantasies during masturbation. I loved the idea of performing oral sex right to the bitter end, but if I felt extremely horny, my favourite fantasy was always a threesome. But I never believed I'd do either.

At 5'5 with shoulder length brown hair with an "Andi MacDowell" perm, if there was one word to describe the photos of me in my teens, it would be..... innocent.

It's actually pretty ironic because when I look back at photos of myself in those years, I can see why guys would want to date me, yet at the time, I had three major faults, firstly I was shy and introverted which made talking to boys almost impossible, yet the second problem I had was, I was pretty insecure and didn't think I was good looking.

Like most girls, I was a hopeless romantic, even if I didn't want to admit it. I read endless love stories, I dreamed that one day I would find my prince charming and I'd devote myself to making him happy. After reading thousands of pages devoted to the subject, the only books I didn't really enjoy were psychology-based romances.

The Irony is, at 43 years of age, living with my husband for 20 years has taught me so much about human nature and people in general. While I ...

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