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Hotwives: 13> the Making of the Judge’s hotwifethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 5170 words)

Author: Chris-t6290 Picture in profile
Added: Aug 06 2020Views / Reads: 1691 / 1306 [77%]Story vote: 9.62 (8 votes)
Frustrated and needy, ever since her husband was made a judge, Lisa Horn pays Malcolm a surprise visit in his chambers. She had barely gotten started raising his dick to being useful, when an alarm bell, not the fire one, rang. Moments later, however…

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"Well, hello, you," I crooned, voice husky, which was quite a contrast of late.

‘Yes, of late,' I mused, quickly retracing my reason for finding myself in a challenging situation at my husband's place of work. Not just the town courthouse but in Malcolm's chambers. My husband, you see, is a judge. ‘Sustain this, overrule that'. Why, though, did he have to bring it home? Not just home but into our bed.

Okay, so he's 12 years older than me at 40. We met all of 2 years ago and married 6 months later. Everything was perfect, in particular, the sex, emn, great sex. It was shortly after he was made a judge that I noticed a difference. Instead of most nights, it had become most weeks, the weekend, Saturday, while it barely lasted as long as before, leaving me no end frustrated and horny.

My first inkling was another woman, only to ‘overrule' that suspicion when he came home, punctual as always.

Things all came to a head one Monday morning. The eventful Monday morning in particular. Overly horny and damn frustrated, I watched as he got dressed in his suit. It was and still very much is, Malcolm's suit that attracted me to him. Smartly dressed, I lay on the bed sheet, the duvet cover drawn back. I threw off my nightie, baring my dripping wet trimmed pussy to him, cooing, "Malcolm, dear, why don't you come ...

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