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An average night at the gloryhole's...this story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 3141 words)

Author: like2watch1576 Picture in profile
Added: Dec 04 2020Views / Reads: 2296 / 1695 [74%]Story vote: 9.64 (14 votes)
My wife at I got married at 18 and soon were in the swinger lifestyle of the 1970's. One of the things we got into was exhibitionism. And on one of our trips out of town for my wife to expose herself, we went into an adult bookstore with the intentio

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My wife Lynn and I got married when we were only eighteen years old but soon found ourselves venturing into the wild swinger lifestyle of the nineteen seventies. This was quite a change for us having grown up in a very quiet & conservative small town. Especially for Lynn, being the daughter of a well-respected preacher. So from the very beginning, we knew we had to show discretion. We'd started our journey when one night I took nude pictures of Lynn with a polaroid camera I'd won at work. Actually, it had started as a joke as I'd have never dreamed back then that my shy reserved wife would pose for nude pictures. But after breaking the ice that night with the pictures it was if we'd opened a floodgate of sexual desires we'd never dreamed possible.

At first, our photo sessions were our little secret and we swore to never tell anyone about our sexy photo sessions that had started to become a weekly event and had been getting increasingly hotter as Lynn had started ordering very sexy outfits through the mail from Fredricks of Hollywood. Then wanting our pictures to be better we knew we'd have to use a better camera. That would mean we'd have to have the film developed, and would mean someone else would see the sexy pictures of my hot young wife. After a lot of discussions, we decided if we used one of the photo labs advertised in the back of men's magazines that were on the other side of the country at least it wouldn't possibly be anyone who might know us seeing them.

After much anticipation of getting our first batch of pictures back ...

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