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trip to Vegasthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 2172 words) [5/5] show all parts

Author: Dancin Jackson
Added: May 23 2021Views / Reads: 973 / 569 [58%]Part vote: 10.00 (1 vote)
Ms Chapuda takes further control of me

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We set up our plan to visit Vegas quickly with little input from me. Ms. Chapuda did it all in consultation with our new partner, in fact I did not speak with Mr. Charles once while we were making plans, I only demanded we stay at hotel instead of his home. Our flight out was early on a Saturday morning and as I was getting bags to the front door I noticed that there were too many bags there and when I inquired of Ms. Chapuda I was told that her husbandwas coming. She explained that it was what Charles wanted and I asked why.

" because he wants to know the whole company" she responded as if obvious.

"I know he lives here but he does not work for me officially" I was trying to say no but knew I did not have much will power.

" then lets put him on the payroll officially... Hank will be security to start while the girls can help negotiate" she said while rubbing my arm and showing me a little more cleavage.

I agreed since the girls would possibly need someone to help them if some guys got too rowdy. I told her to get the paperwork together ASAP and she left the room and came back with the contract within 3 minutes, clearly having planned it. I signed it quickly and moved on to packing ...

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