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Dinner Surprisethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 2612 words)

Author: oppy-n-rose Picture in profile
Added: Aug 14 2021Views / Reads: 4553 / 3970 [87%]Story vote: 9.56 (39 votes)
While attending the usual boring new years dinner at my mother in laws house, I have a wonderful time with my wife's aunt....

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This past winter was a very unique one, especially because of everything that was going on in the world with covid. It was a rather quiet holiday season, except for New Year's when I experienced an evening that I will never forget.

I was sitting next door at my mother-in-law's, waiting to have dinner. She always threw a New Years Eve party, which consisted of nearly 20 guests packed into her place. This year there were a few less guests, but still a pretty decent amount. I usually got bored at these dinners, because most of the family members would sit and chat about stuff, and I usually sat down towards the end of the day, playing on my phone.

This year was no different, as I sipped my beer, and browsed social media. While I was doing so, I noticed someone sitting across from me, and looked up to see my wife's aunt Elena, sitting down. She looked over at me and greeted me, while smiling. She looked great, wearing a red top, which showed off her amazing set of tits, as well as a skirt that stopped just above her knees. She sat down, poured a glass of wine, and began to chat with everyone.

I've always had a thing for Elena, since the first day I met her. She was kind of sort of my wife's aunt. I say kind of sort of, because she used to be married to my wife's uncle. He abused her, and she ended up divorcing him. She continued to stay friendly with everyone in the family, since he was such a major asshole. She eventually remarried, ...

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