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JANE JANE JANEthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 4956 words)

Author: Doctor Wankenstein Picture in profile
Added: Sep 04 2021Views / Reads: 3435 / 2961 [86%]Story vote: 9.59 (17 votes)
What might have been an awkward dinner between my new girlfriend and my longstanding "mistress" takes an unexpected turn.

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Rockstar Series : Jane! Jane! Jane!

There is a notable venue in Kings Heath, Birmingham, and I had played there with a band one Saturday night as support to a touring American act. The place was packed. The stage was cleared of our gear and a van took it away, so I was left at the venue and wasn't driving. I got myself a pint of strong cider from the bar downstairs and I realised the girl who was serving the guy beside me was someone I knew. I had worked with her for some years, and I ABSOLUTELY fancied the pants off her. She was a lot younger than me (13 years younger) and for some reason I had never managed to date OR shag her. #losingmytouch She always seemed to be attracted to married men, I could never understand why.

A moment later she spotted me:

"Derek!" she smiled "What are you doing here?"

I explained I'd been playing upstairs.

"Oh yes, I THOUGHT it looked like you" she said (she'd been collecting glasses in the concert room) "I'd forgotten you played in a band. Your group were quite good. Nowhere near as good as the main act , mind, they were TOP!"


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