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One Last Fling Before the Ringthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 1459 words)

Author: ThePiggy
Added: Oct 01 2021Views / Reads: 2689 / 1931 [72%]Story vote: 9.06 (16 votes)
Kelly needed one last night of passion before she married Kyle

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Kelly had struggled with her weight since she was a child. She'd never been obese but she was a heavyset girl with wide hips, broad shoulders and a thick waist. She had big, firm young breasts and a plump round ass that often drew unwanted attention from the type of boys she had little interest in.

It was after midnight and Kelly had been out drinking with friends. She had a good buzz but she wasn't drunk when George approached their table. She knew him in passing from school and he was most definitely not her type but alcohol had lowered her inhibitions and after talking and drinking together she agreed to let him walk her back to her dorm. Against her better judgment Kelly invited him inside. Her roommate had gone home for the weekend and as they sat on Kelly's bed talking George made his move. He leaned in for a kiss and she didn't resist. Within minutes they were both naked on top of her covers with the lights out. He was a dark skinned Jamaican and Kelly could barely see him but she didn't need her eyes to know he had a huge dick. It felt twice as big as her ex boyfriend's and it definitely hurt at first but once she got used to it she loved his big black dick. She was hooked. They didn't date and rarely hung out but if George wanted to fuck Kelly would eagerly spread her legs wide. He made her cum like no one ever had but he still wasn't her type. She liked good boys, straight laced white boys and that's who she dated but they could never scratch her itch for hot, nasty, no holes bared sex with a well hung boy. For that she needed George. ...

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