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The Lap Dancethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 4280 words)

Author: Robbyfoot
Added: Oct 10 2021Views / Reads: 3349 / 2901 [87%]Story vote: 9.91 (22 votes)
Buying some lap dances from an erotic dancer, with a twist at the end.

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She pushed the curtain aside and stepped into the room.

It was just the two of us, but places like this were full of cameras and I knew they were watching.

The music was playing, but I wasn't familiar with or interested in what was on. At that moment my focus was on one thing - the extremely attractive blonde that was about to give me a lap dance.

The light was dim, just bright enough that I could see her nipples through the sheer top she was wearing. The only other thing she had on was a pair of light blue panties that looked like they might be a thong, but I couldn't tell for sure from the front.

Her body was swaying to the music as she slowly stepped toward where I was seated in the large comfortable arm chair.

"How much dance do you want today?" she asked, and in reply I held up a $20 bill and said "As much as this will get me".

"That will get you two songs", she said with a smile as she took the $20 and tucked it into the elastic of her underwear, "But just remember", she continued as she placed her hands on top of mine on the arms of the chair, "There's no touching, it's the law, and there is a camera, so just keep your hands right where they are". ...

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