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Parker Unleashed 2this story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 4621 words) [2/4] show all parts

Author: jwdoney
Added: May 07 2022Views / Reads: 1651 / 1407 [85%]Part vote: 9.90 (21 votes)
A trip with Parker, a hotel room, and years of desire and lust could be an explosive combination, but Jeff is in love with Alexa and may face the toughest decision ever.

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This is a fictional story about an older woman, younger man's relationship that I hope will be sexy, exciting, funny and romantic. This is an original story and it is not intended to copy, reuse or recycle situations, conversations and scenarios previously written or posted. Any people, places, names, products or events mentioned are done so without permission or endorsement, this is a work of fiction.

My name is Jeff and I am 21 years old, have short black hair, an athletic 6' frame and live with my father's ex-girlfriend Parker. 30 years young with long dark hair, a fitness toned body, 121 gigawatt smile and an extremely loving personality, Parker is an absolute Goddess. She is fit, shapely, beautiful and one of the hottest yet most genuinely sweet and nice people I have ever known. Plus I would stand in traffic to be with her even though she tells everyone she thinks of me as the son she never had. Five years ago my dad cheated on and lied to Parker, abruptly ending their relationship. My mom is remarried, lives in another state, and doesn't have time for me, so it's her loss. I have Parker. I just wish I had Parker. I stayed with Parker to finish high school and now 5 years later I'm in college, work part time, and still live with her.

My feelings and desire for Parker are way more than lust for her perfect body or the urge to be with her. Parker spoils me rotten, has become my closest friend, and we literally do everything together when we're not at work or I'm not at college. Unlike ridiculous cable movies or porn, ...

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