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Showing Her I Caredthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 2341 words)

Author: oppy-n-rose Picture in profile
Added: Jun 21 2022Views / Reads: 3452 / 2962 [86%]Story vote: 9.43 (30 votes)
Take my sister in law to dinner to treat her to a nice night out...

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I was sitting at the table in the backyard, enjoying a cold beer and a cigar, while all the kids ran around the yard, when my sister-in-law Raquel, came over and sat on the opposite side of the table. We had just finished having a big family barbecue, and everyone had gotten up to wander around the yard. As I sat and enjoyed myself, I looked over at her, and asked how she was doing. She looked over at me and nodded her head, saying she was good. I continued to chat and tried to make conversation with her, but it was difficult. She wasn't the friendliest of people and had a difficult time getting along with everyone. She was divorced, had two daughters, and all of the men that she had tried dating after her marriage, had left her. It caused a lot of anxiety amongst everyone in the family, because we would often have to help her out whenever she broke up with someone. There were plenty of fights, arguments, and so much more because of her. This had caused her to kind of become an outcast with all of us. She was usually in a bad mood and didn't really chat with anyone.

She assumed everyone hated her, which was far from the truth, but it was hard to make her think otherwise. The last several years had been rough for everyone, and I really wish that things could change. I liked her, in more ways than one. I always liked a nice curvy woman, and Raquel was one. After having her daughters, most of her baby weight went straight to her ass, and it was an ass that I fantasized about all the time. I had always been attracted to her and had fantasized about fucking her, but never tried to because of her attitude. I had plenty ...

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