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It Started As Revengethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 2677 words)

Author: oppy-n-rose Picture in profile
Added: Sep 21 2022Views / Reads: 3056 / 2650 [87%]Story vote: 9.78 (23 votes)
A situation with my kids bus driver turns into more than just revenge...

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About three months ago, I had to deal with a situation involving my son and his bus driver. It started early one morning, as my son was getting on the school bus. I put him on and then began walking back into my house when the bus driver began beeping the horn repeatedly. I immediately knew what was happening and ran back to the bus. My son is epileptic, and I knew he was having a seizure by the way she was beeping the horn. She opened the door, and I ran into the bus to assist him. He has been an epileptic for several years, so I was used to him having seizures. I quickly grabbed him and did what I had to do. The seizure only lasted about 30 seconds because, like I said he was a seizure patient and has and machine built into his chest that helps stop the seizures.

As I attended to him, the bus driver began to panic. This was the first time she had ever seen something like this happen and she was in straight panic mode. I tried to calm her down and explain that I knew what was happening, but she wasn't hearing me. She grabbed her phone and called her dispatcher, and they wanted to call 911. I told them it wasn't necessary because this was a normal occurrence for us, and we've already had instructions from his doctor on what to do. They weren't hearing me, and the bus driver was completely useless in that situation.

I was frustrated, because I had been told by the school that everyone who had anything to do with my son, would be trained. I could clearly ...

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