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DEEP PINK 1this story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 7004 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: jwdoney
Added: Jul 05 2023Views / Reads: 3035 / 2446 [81%]Part vote: 9.94 (18 votes)
An unexpected opportunity presents an exciting situation that results in a unique job and more sex than he can handle from his sexy boss, a scorching redhead who HAS to have him, and a cute blonde who can't wait to be with him. On his first day!

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This story is completely fictional, fake, made up, created, dreamed and just plain couldn't possibly come true. Dedicated to longtime reader Dennis, upon his request I am easing back on the complicated plots, heavy story, heart wrenching romance and leaning in on the tease, exposure, humiliation and flammable sex I do best. I am letting loose and letting the characters have fun, pushing rules, boundaries and reality in hopes of telling a spicy, exciting tale. I have no idea if any of what I am about to write could ever happen, but if it did, I would volunteer. Thank you for reading and enjoy.

Any people, places, names, products or events mentioned are done so without permission or endorsement, this is a work of fiction. Names have been chosen by what I think fits the description, hair color, attitude or personality of the women and are unrelated to the same use of a name in any other story I have written.

My name is Jason, and I am 19 years old, single, still in college, and I am 5' 11" with short black hair, a fit, athletic body, and enough sarcasm for three people. I still can't believe what happened or HOW it happened, nor can I comprehend the situation I am currently in. I live in an apartment that is basically half a house. My step aunt owns the house and lives next door in the other half. I'm not sure if step aunt is a thing, but Lana is the sister of my father's second wife, my stepmom Lisa. All cliches aside, dad and Lisa have a healthy romantic and sexual life, so Lisa talked me into moving out and renting from her ...

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