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I DREAM OF JENNA 1this story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 5741 words)

Author: jwdoney
Added: Jul 29 2023Views / Reads: 2597 / 2125 [82%]Story vote: 9.90 (20 votes)
Starting an overdue relationship, Brain and Emma find an old bottle and unleash a sexy, horny blonde genie who is MORE than willing to make them both happy... and then some. Romance, Threesome, Exhibitionism and more.

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This is a work of complete, unadulterated fiction inspired by, and a tribute to, I DREAM OF JEANNIE. If somehow you are too young, never ever watched TV, lived under a rock, or like American Idol, I DREAM OF JEANNIE was a hilarious, forward thinking comedy starring the beautiful Barbara Eden and the megastar Larry Hagman, and it was about a handsome astronaut who finds a bottle and releases a beautiful, naive, mischievous and naughty genie. Obviously it was on network television, so it wasn't raunchy, but over the course of the show, they let her be naughty. It could have been VERY NAUGHTY and if it got made today, we all know there would be nudity galore, plenty of sex, and who knows what else. While this is inspired by IDOJ, anyone who reads me knows I'm going to have fun, there will be lots of nudity and sex, and definitely humor. I hope you enjoy it.

Any people, places, names, products or events mentioned are done so without permission or endorsement, this is a work of fiction. All names are randomly generated and chosen to fit the character, are not based on anyone in particular, and do not reflect to any other characters I have created or written about.

My name is Brian and I am 23 years old, 5' 11" with short black hair, brown eyes, am in good physical shape, and work as Store Security/Loss Prevention for a retail store. I have had the job since high school, I started as a cashier, got promoted to Supervisor a couple of years ago, then applied for and got the SS/LP position almost 13 months ago. I've ...

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