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Emma's Sexual Initation (Part_3)this story is part of the FanClub (fm:first time, 2201 words)

Author: Bigbeardx
Added: Aug 23 2023Views / Reads: 1723 / 1281 [74%]Story vote: 9.60 (10 votes)
When the day for the taking of Emma’s virginity by the master of the house arrived, she was routinely but carefully prepared by the masters loyal housekeeper.

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Back in Emma's day, girls were forced to go look for work where they could find it. In the country areas that mainly meant looking for work as a servant girl on the nearest country estate or ‘big house'. For Emma it was no different. She also told me that the master of the house where she sought work, her father was a tenant on his estate.

The interviews/inspections took place in the housekeeper's quarters/rooms. She would at first interview the girl in general. Beginning with ensuring she was of legal age, her background etc. to determine if she was suitable for work in service. If she was the daughter of a tenant on the estate and the tenant was regarded as a good tenant, then that was a plus for her from the outset.

If the housekeeper was satisfied of the girl's general suitability, her parent's background etc. then she asked her to strip. The girl wouldn't be shocked at this, because her mother would have told her, that strange as it may seem, this was the norm and was to be expected. The reputation of the master of the house was well known throughout the estate and locality. A robust and handsome man in his early 40's who had instructed his housekeeper that she was to ensure that new girls taken on were virgins.

The housekeeper took nothing for granted, because the simple fact of the matter was, many of the young girls who came looking for work were not virgins. Sex was rampant in the countryside, even though in those days ...

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