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BOUTIQUE part 2this story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 4468 words) [2/3] show all parts

Author: jwdoney
Added: Oct 02 2023Views / Reads: 1335 / 867 [65%]Part vote: 10.00 (13 votes)
Dave got seduced by Sandy in an exciting way, but he had questions. Edited repost from 2002 with new content that sets up fresh, new parts and explains how and why Sandy seduced Dave.

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Originally posted way back on August 13th 2002, BOUTIQUE was a great idea mired in run-on sentences, poor punctuation, bad grammar, a rush to tell the story, and a hero complex where I just had to make my character sound great. Now, 21 years later, all my kids are in college, I'm happily divorced, have published two books with more in the works, and have gone through three editors. Two of them are still around, one who actually edits for me regularly. In fairness, James proofreads and Dennis edits, but both are very helpful... and loyal. As part of converting pre 2013 stories to Google Docs and going back to add to or finish open ended stories, I came across BOUTIQUE and realized it has a lot of miles left. It's a great premise, even if I never realized it back then. Here is the edited, reposted part 1 with a new, extra ending that will explain things better and set up for part 3... and hopefully more. Thank you for reading, please share feedback.

Any people, places, names, products or events mentioned are done so without permission or endorsement, this is a work of fiction.

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Originally posted 8/13/02 this has been edited but otherwise unchanged

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