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Never known sex like it!this story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 7735 words)

Author: Knob-Out Picture in profile
Added: Nov 15 2023Views / Reads: 3130 / 2604 [83%]Story vote: 9.76 (17 votes)
Lucy and Doug have been married for a while but their sex life is zero due to his work ethos. Frustrated to say the least, she had to find a way out it it and soon!

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Never Known Sex Like It!

My name is Lucy and I've been married to Doug for the past six years. I'm a legal secretary for a local firm and he is something to do with acquisitions or such like I'm not sure.

We have a nice home, no children or animals to tie us down yet do we get away, er no, we do not. Why, because Doug is a workaholic, he never stops and to be honest it's driving me mad! He's never home! It's not all fun and jollies oh no it's work. He goes in for a 7.30am start and finishes anywhere by eight or nine in the evening and that's for five days a week sometimes seven!

I can't remember when we last made love or just had sex even, it's been forever! After all, I'm not an old biddy all wrinkled and past it, no, I'm in my prime with needs, sexual needs that I don't get from Doug! At least twice a week I take the time to shall we say, to play with myself, I get by on it but is not totally satisfying!

"High babe, don't forget we've got Tony and Kate tonight at there's at seven."

Tony is Doug's boss. Doug's been sucking up to him for ages trying to get a move up the corporate ladder which I'm sure will come in time but it's taking a toll on our marriage. ...

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