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She Didn't Want Me To Be Lonelythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 2182 words)

Author: oppy-n-rose Picture in profile
Added: Nov 23 2023Views / Reads: 1875 / 1344 [72%]Story vote: 9.15 (13 votes)
My son had to go into the hospital for a while and his bus driver didn't want me to be home by myself...

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About six or seven months ago, a situation occurred that I have been enjoying the heck out of ever since. It all started one afternoon in June when we were throwing a birthday party for my son. We had a bunch of people over, including my son's school bus driver whose name was Clara. She had been his bus driver for several years and was one of the sweetest and friendliest people you would ever meet. She was also gorgeous, in her mid-50s, with a body to die for. She was Colombian, with an amazing ass and perky set of tits. I had wanted to bang her, since the first time I had ever met her.

Clara and I were always very friendly, often chatting and joking around with each other whenever she would come to pick up or drop off my son. At times I would playfully flirt with her, and she would do the same in return. As time went by, we got extremely friendly with each other, and it was obvious that I was into her. At the same time, she had shown me plenty of friendly attention and her flirting and compliments also showed that there was some interest. The problem was that we were both married and with families of our own.

It wasn't as big of an issue for me, because my wife and I basically had an open marriage, and she didn't care what I did during my free time. She had enjoyed herself in the past with one of my best friends, but that's a story for another time.

As everyone sat in the yard and enjoyed the birthday party, I overheard ...

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