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Taking Kevin 7this story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 21674 words) [7/7] show all parts

Author: jwdoney
Added: Nov 27 2023Views / Reads: 799 / 541 [68%]Part vote: 10.00 (9 votes)
Trisha and Kevin return as this edited repost of parts 1-6 with an all new ending set up for exciting new parts filled with sex, humor, romance, surprises and sex. Knowing Trisha, mostly sex though.

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Back in the 2015 to 2018 window, after my separation and divorce, and my move from Virginia to New York, during the long run of my masterpiece ALICIA AND THE BIKINI STORE, I had several gems that were started but never continued or got finished. Recently I have been editing them, adding updated content, reposting them, and when possible, writing new parts. Many of them have already found their way to ES, and there are more to come, but TAKING KEVIN was (and is) one of my favorites. Kevin's blind love and Trisha's hungry lust combined with his innocence and her sarcasm was a goldmine for sex, humor and romance. As with many updated stories, the time jump from early 2017 to 2023/24 will occur without explanation. Mostly the pop culture references, technology, vehicles and some products if mentioned. For example, SIERRA MIST doesn't exist anymore, so Trisha will have to drink STARRY or something else. Unlike most of my reposts, this one will be fully edited so that the repost may vary from the original 6 parts but the overall story will be unchanged. Thank you for reading and understanding.


This is a work of fiction inspired by a reader's request for a specific plot as well as less morals and reality and more erotica and sex. For this story more than any other, I am suppressing my own morals as both a man and a writer as I tell the story as if it were okay for the events to occur. I do not advocate anything I am about to describe or write, but certainly wish it was happening to me. Enjoy, and thank you ...

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